Golden Thinker ® – Encyclopedia of Substances – Piracetam

Piracetam is the most frequently occurring racetam. In fact it is the first racetam prepared to be used as a food supplement on a commercial scale. The compound was developed over a decade ago and is still in use as a great cognitive booster and brain activity enhancer. It has been developed (like all the racetams) to increase the cognitive ability especially in people of elder ages and those doing extended mental work on a regular basis. Like all the racetams, the effects of Piracetam are also highly appreciated by the people using it as a supplement.

Historical Context

Piracetam is the very first among a long line of synthetic cognitive boosters called racetams. Racetams have been develop to boost the mental power and thinking anilities and are not found in any food naturally. They are prepared in the lab and are used as food supplements to gain neurological and mental benefits. All the racetams have been proven to be effective in this respect in the laboratory as well as in practice. Though many modified variants of Piracetam are available in the market, the actual Piracetam is still being used as a nerve tonic and cognitive enhancer.

Mode of Action

Racetams have a mode of action nearly similar to that of GABA. Piracetam increases the efficiency of brain by modifying the receptor sites on the neurons and increasing the secretion of neurotransmitters. Both these actions sum up to result in a higher functional ability of the brain. This results in the brain being able to process information quickly and respond to given stimuli faster. The overall result is increased cognitive and motor abilities on a permanent basis. It also protects the brains and nerves by cleansing the harmful toxins in the system.


The effects of racetams on the brain need no explanations. They have been found to be the most effective brain tonics and cognitive enhancers found so far. The effects of Piracetam on the body are

  • Increased mental power and focusing ability leading to higher cognitive functions and sharper mind
  • It increases the memory of the user for short time and also on the long term basis
  • The users have reported increased focusing ability and concentrating power after using the supplement
  • The users of the supplement have reported that they were able to do more complicated tasks in lesser times after taking the supplement
Side Notes

The substance has been marked safe for use by adults of all ages. Laboratory tests and use by people have indicated no adverse effects so far. The use of the substance in pregnant women has not been studied due to governmental regulations. Hence no sufficient evidence is available in that respect. If such people have to use it, proper medical supervision may be sought. For the best results, the long term use of the supplement is recommended. Dosage is determined depending on a number of factors including the general health of the user and age etc.

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