Sulbutiamine belongs to the group of synthetic food supplements. At molecular level it consists of a pair of Thiamine molecules bonded together by a sulfur group. The chemical is used as a food supplement, to enhance mental function and to reduce the fatigue caused by daily activity. The substance has been designed to act mainly on the brain. It stimulates the brain to work on higher speeds and process faster. The result is a higher mental ability after taking the supplement. In the brain it works on its own and also releases choline which is one of the most potent cognitive and motor enhancers.
Historical Context
Thiamine is a substance commonly present in the black tea which is helpful in boosting mental function especially in the fatigued state of mind and to eliminate the general fatigue of skeletal muscles resulting from daily activity. The chemical Sulbutiamine is prepared by bonding a couple of thiamine molecules with a sulfur group. The chemical Sulbutiamine is used as a dietary supplement to aid the functionality of the brain and help the brain function better under stress. Some evidence is also found that the chemical may help in repair of the hippocampus neurons and prevent their aging hence preventing mental decline with age.
Mechanism of Action
The supplement acts by decreasing the stress of the neurons and skeletal muscle cells. When we are awake and working for extended periods of time, the cells tend to produce such chemicals as are harmful for them. This creates a need to clean the chemicals and the body cells start cleaning them and cannot work properly. The Sulbutiamine molecules help neutralize the harmful chemicals hence produced and hence increase the ability of the cells to do useful work. It also increases the healthy life span of the cells.
Upon the use of the supplement in the regular routine, the following effects have been observed in the users.
- Increased mental ability is observed right after the use of the supplement and also a permanent increase in mental function is observed with continued use
- There users have reported higher energy levels of the body with regular use of the supplement as it is a fatigue relieve agent
- Aging of the brain and other nerve cells has shown a lower rate in the users of the supplement
- Diabetic users have shown better brain activity in contrast to the people who didn’t use the supplement
Side Notes
The safe dosage of the supplement has been calculated to be 12.5 to 25 mg per kg of body weight and the effects on the brain and nervous system start to be the most prominent after 9 weeks of permanent use. The substance has been marked safe for supplemental use in adults and no side effects have been discovered as long as it is used according to instructions. For the pregnant users, it is recommended to be in constant contact with the physician while the supplement is being used. Even though no adverse effects in pregnant people are observed, it is advised to be careful.